Resources for Global experts, researchers, donors, policy makers and health professionals


Here you can find policy briefs used in Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan to inform policy makers of the findings from our research. The policy briefs give details of the recommendations, developed in collaboration with national TB programmes, suggesting programmes update training and supervision guidelines to include tobacco cessation and revise reporting forms to include space for recording tobacco status of all TB patients at diagnosis and at 6 months.
Bangladesh TB&Tobacco Policy Brief 2019

Nepal TB & Tobacco Policy Brief 2019

Pakistan Policy brief TB & Tobacco 2019

Integrating TB and Tobacco workshop with WHO
Report of TB&Tobacco Meeting Geneva November 2018

Academic papers

Papers published by the TB and Tobacco team can be found here:

Protocol Paper understanding implementation and feasibility

Conference Presentation
Here you will find conference presentations from the TB and tobacco team
SRNTE presentation

Lesson Learnt
Reports submitted to the EU H2020 programme who funded the TB& Tobacco project can be found here. They provide details of the process of developing the behaviour support intervention for tobacco cessation and planning for implementation at scale.

WP1 Report of intervention development
Deliverable D6.1 “Interventions and lessons”