The facts

Smokers are more than twice as likely as non-smokers to die from TB. More than 20% of new TB cases globally occur because of tobacco use. It is therefore important that TB patients try to quit using tobacco. Health professionals can play a key role in helping their patients to quit tobacco.
The TB & Tobacco Consortium has developed and tested a range of materials to support health professionals in national TB programmes to provide brief advice to TB patients, and support them to quit.
Details of the research we have conducted to develop and test the tobacco cessation intervention can be found here.
A good start is to read the Health Professional’s Guide to Tobacco Cessation within TB Programmes as this provides an introduction to the brief advice and support as well as details of the current evidence on the links between TB and Tobacco.The materials for health professionals include: a flipbook for use with sections tailored for male and female patients; a leaflet on quitting tobacco and TB; a selection of posters; and a desk top guide which can be printed out and stuck to the consultation desk in the clinic to remind health professionals to ask about tobacco use and advise on quitting.
All materials are available in Urdu, Nepali, Bengali and English. If you are planning to adapt the materials for your own TB programme and country context, an adaptation guide can be found here. Get in touch if you would like to discuss adaptation for another context.Training guides for delivering a two-day Training of Trainers programme and for delivering several one-hour brief sessions that can be included within routine TB programme training can be found here. Ten-minute videos to use within these training sessions can be found here.
NTP and Ministry of Health decision-makers
This includes a video providing basic information on the link between TB and Tobacco, and can be used to raise awareness of this issue with national TB programmes.
Health Professionals working with people with TB
Here you will find all the materials you need to support your patients to quit tobacco: flipbook, leaflets, posters, training videos and the Health Professionals Guide.
Policy makers
This includes a video providing basic information on the link between TB and Tobacco, and can be used to raise awareness of this issue with national TB programmes.
Global experts, researchers, donors, policy makers and health professionals
Materials describing the process of the EU H2020 TB & Tobacco project, with supporting imagery and workshop notes.